
Kenisha Liu
Sep 11, 2023
Fletch allows you to discover your threats sooner, know what to prioritize, and how to fix it. Earlier than ever before.
Here’s how Fletch goes to work for you in a nutshell…
Your earliest warning system. Fletch trends the entire threat landscape to determine every Major Threat right now.
A security team in your back pocket. Fletch tracks your company’s everchanging tech, geo, and industry correlation to cyber threats.
Your personal cybersecurity advisor. Fletch correlates your company’s data to Major Threats so you can prioritize actions with ready-to-use expert advice and communications.
We’ll talk more about the ins and outs of Fletch below.
How does Fletch work?
Fletch works by marrying AI systems with human expertise. It took over 2 years for our in-house experts to create sophisticated large language models (LLMs) to take on the tasks that were humanly impossible, and they continue to iterate on them every day.
Every aspect of Fletch uses a semi-supervised system to bring out the best in both elements. The AI engine turns months of people-work into seconds. And allows for Fletch to be 3-5 days ahead of any other source. The human element validates the AI’s output, continuously improving the LLM.
Fletch is built by passionate cybersecurity people who know first-hand how difficult it is to try to get ahead of the threat landscape. They are driving the mission of living ahead as they seek to create a solution that would’ve saved them headaches years earlier.
Learn more about the experts behind Fletch here.
The Fletch promise
With Fletch you’ll live ahead of threats and simplify complex processes in a cost effective way. We do that in three major ways.
Free up your time. Fletch automates your busy work so you don’t spend your whole day doing threat research, correlation, or triaging.
Get you ahead. We give you the threats on your horizon so you can prepare for threats rather than react to them.
Focus your work. Fletch shows you every threat that matters to your organization and prioritizes it for you.
Here are the four main features of Fletch that cover your needs head-to-toe:
Major Threats

Why: The first problem is the mountain of threats teams have to get through. The speed at which threats emerge and evolve is too fast for any team (no matter how big) to keep up with
What: The Fletch AI engine scans tens of thousand threat articles and hundreds of thousand indicators daily to trend the entire threat landscape. It uses the wisdom of our exports partnered with the community to determine which threats are “major” based on severity and maturity. Get every update on any threat, 3-5 days before any other source.
Alternate solution: Large, sophisticated and expensive teams do manual threat research, buy threat intel, and if they really want to get ahead, buy dark web data feeds. Cost and resource prohibitive for just about everyone.
Your Data

Why: Every organization has multiple targets on their back as threats target everything from their people to their tech stack. We cover the breadth of every company's data while simplifying how orgs digest the information.
What: Fletch’s AI engine generates a detailed, comprehensive profile for every company that covers their hard to find correlations including internal and external tech, geographic location, industry, vulnerabilities and malware. With one look, know exactly the holes in your org that put you at risk.
Alternate solution: Software to list your SaaS apps, quarterly PEN testing, subscriptions to industry associations, monitoring your people’s activity and location, and sophisticated/expensive teams to find the threats targeting each.
Correlated Threats

Why: Knowing Major Threats is only half the battle. Correlating the threats in the landscape to your individual company is key to contextual prioritization.
What: The Fletch engine narrows the threat landscape by correlating Major Threats to each customer's data to show you only the threats that you’re exposed to at a given moment.
Your Correlated Threats feed prioritizes your threats based on importance, freeing you from the noise and empowering better decision making. You can find your Correlated Threats in your Fletch homepage and delivered to the top of your inbox every morning.
Alternate solution: Security teams buy expensive SIEM products, do data plumbing to correlate their data, and do endless manual upkeep to keep their dashboards running.
Threat Boards

Why: Beyond the threat research and manual data correlation is even more threat research if you happen to find that a threat does affect your company. This takes hours that could be better spent elsewhere.
What: Fletch Threat Boards combine the output of the Fletch AI engine and human expertise to offer the most up-to-date cliff notes on any given threat. In every Threat Board you’ll get a complete summary of the threat, expert advice, and generated communications with every evolution.
Alternate solution: Tons of web searches, hours assembling findings and crafting a remediation plan for every threat that impacts you in any way. And, if the situation is dire, expensive security consultants.
To live ahead of threats is to know the threats on your horizon and have the tools to protect your company from it.
That isn’t possible with the amount of manual work it takes just to find the threats that are relevant to your company. By the time you find some, new ones have emerged and you’re behind.
Fletch simplifies this process. Our AI engine gives you a holistic view of where your organization’s security posture stands. And highlights the areas that need attention.
Experience living ahead of threats. Sign up now.